Access Control

Connect attendee badges or wristbands with our Eventfinity backend to have tight access control, security, or analytics.

High level features

Custom Design
Dynamic Content
Automated Emails
Access Codes
Open/Closed Registration
Data Collection

How it works

Attendee badges or wristbands with either Bluetooth, RFID/NFC technology, barcodes, or QR codes are baked into the Eventfinity system and can be attached to attendees with specific permissions. Scanners at checkpoints can check each badge and confirm the attendee has entry access. This can be used to take attendance, provide access control, and increase security.


Eventfinity natively integrates scanning badges embedded with BLE, RFID/NFC, or printed barcodes/QR codes for multiple ways to collect attendee permissions and information. Passive scanning at entrances or exits can be helpful with metrics or preventing double entry (or pass-backs) for a single badge.

Checkpoint Permissions

Different checkpoints, such as “green room”, “backstage” or “general session”, can all be customized and added in our backend. Attendees can belong to different groups with specific permissions such as “staff”, “broadcast”, or other classifications with unique permissions.

Command Center

Get a bird's-eye view of your event and get real-time reporting at your event of who is where with live attendance counts.


Easily blocklist delinquent attendees or lost badges in our backend system, resulting in quick and ubiquitous security updates and callouts made to tech at all checkpoints.

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