
Registration is made simple and efficient with Eventfinity’s seamless registration process.

High level features

Custom Design
Dynamic Content
Automated Emails
Access Codes
Open/Closed Registration
Data Collection

How it works

Use simple registration templates to make custom websites for attendees to fill out their information and RSVP for an event in minutes. All the attendee data flows into the Eventfinity database and seamlessly becomes available for use on the event app, through check-in, and for the duration of the event.

Custom Design

The registration website is customizable in both design and content, and can be specific to different attendee types. Include colors and logos to create a cohesive look that follows your branding. Fields that attendees need to fill out in the registration form are customizable, and can be specific to different attendee types.

Registration Communications

Send out a magic link registration to attendees, so that they can login with one click, fill out their information, and RSVP for an event with ease. Attendees can access the registration form with a custom access code, their email, or it can be an open registration. Automated email communications of triggered emails can be sent to attendees based on their registration status, travel requests, and more.

Data Collection

As attendees complete registration, all of their data flows into the Eventfinity database and seamlessly becomes available for use on event badges, email campaigns, the agenda in the event app, through check-in, and even digital signage. One database for the duration of the event.

Ready to discover the event platform you’ve been searching for?

Tell us a little about your event and let us show you how we can help successfully pivot it to virtual.

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